Strategic Planning & Resources Committee


Makes recommendations concerning strategic planning, budget, and development and allocation procedures for the university. In order to fulfill this responsibility, the committee develops and reviews all pertinent planning and budget materials. Meetings: monthly. Terms: 3 years. Electees: 13 of the 29 members.

  • Membership

    Position and Term Length



    College of Business Representative** (3 years)

    Norm Sigmond


    College of Business Representative** (3 years)

    Mostafa Maksy


    College of Education Representative** (3 years)

    Catherine McGeehan, Chair


    College of Education Representative** (3 years)

    Tracy Keyes


    College of Visual & Performing Arts Representative** (3 years)

    Michael Covello


    College of Visual & Performing Arts Representative** (3 years)

    Pierette Kulpa


    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences** (3 years)

    Pádraig McLoughlin


    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences** (3 years)

    Yun Lu


    Graduate Faculty Representative** (3 years)

    Holly Tienken, Vice Chair


    Non-Teaching Faculty** (3 years)

    Marlene Fares


    At-Large Faculty Member** (3 years)

    Steve Lem


    Alumni Representative

    Marlene Fares


    APSCUF president or designee

    Paul V. Quinn Sr. 


    President of University Senate

    Lisa Frye


    President of the University, ex-officio

    Kenneth Hawkinson 


    Vice President for University Relations & Athletics, ex-officio

    Matt Santos


    Vice President of Administration & Finance, ex-officio

    Matt Delaney


    Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, ex-officio

    Stephen St. Onge


    Vice President for Compliance, Equity and Liaison for Legal Affairs, ex-officio

    Jesus A. Pena


    Provost, ex-officio

    Lorin Basden Arnold


    Administrative Council, ex-officio

    Greg Shelley


    Institutional Research Representative, ex-officio

    Fawad Rafi


    Dean's Council Representative, ex-officio

    Anne Carroll


    At-Large Staff Member** (3 years)

    Laurie McMillan


    Director of Assessment and Acting Vice Provost, ex-officio

    Karen Rauch


    Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, ex-officio

    Carl Sheperis


    At-Large Staff Member** (3 years)

    Sky Franciscus


    Undergraduate Student Representative

    Abigail Miller


    Graduate Student Representative

    Matt Assad


    * Indefinite Term of Office
    ** Elected Positions


    Students are invited to participate in the Kutztown University Governance and Advisory Committees. This is a great way to get to know others at the university,  become a part of the decision-making process and have your voice heard.  No prior experience necessary, just a genuine interest in being an active part of the community!

    Student Government Board will reviews online applications on a rolling basis and makes student placements in early September.  Questions?  Please contact Leah in Student Involvement at   

    Union Committee Representative: To be considered for a committee union position please contact a union representative.  

  • Mission & Bylaws
  • Meeting Times

    Meeting dates for 2024-25.

    All meetings begin at 3 p.m.

    Fall 2024 Spring 2025
    • Friday, September 13, 2024
    • Friday, October 25, 2024
    • Friday, December 6, 2024
    • Friday, February 14, 2025
    • Friday, March 28, 2025
    • Friday, May 2, 2024

  • Agenda & Minutes

    Sign in here to view available archived minutes.

For more information please contact:

University Senate


Phone: 610.683.4856

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