Pat Hazell’s The Wonder Bread Years
Performing Artists Series
Wednesday, FebRUARY 8, 2023 at 7:30 PM
A fresh and funny salute to Americana, The Wonder Bread Years, starring Pat Hazell (former Seinfeld writer and The Tonight Show regular), is a fast-paced, hilarious production that gracefully walks the line between standup and theater. From sitting at the kids table to riding in the way back of the Country Squire Wagon, The Wonder Bread Years is a comic bullseye for Baby Boomers everywhere. Jerry Seinfeld calls it “Milk-snorting funny!” and the Los Angeles Times boasts “Pure Unpasteurized Nostalgia.”
Tickets: $38, $32 for Seniors and Students
KU Faculty, Staff and Students access discounted tickets by using their MyKU Login
KU Faculty and Staff: $32; KU Students: $10
Pre-show Nostalgic Americana Dinner in the Little Theater at 6:00 pm - Tickets $30