Honors Study Abroad Scholarships
Award: $1,000
Eligibility Criteria:
- Student must be in the Honors Program.
- The student must has completed 30 Kutztown University credits.
- Students must also be in good standing with the Honors program, meaning that they have kept up with program requirements.
- The student must complete a scholarship application (described below).
- Students should be admitted to the study abroad/away program before they apply for the scholarship.
Timeline: The scholarship is rolling and follows a typical seasonal cycle of when students apply for various study abroad programs.
Application: Students apply through their personalized financial aid portal. Note: Only Honors students can see the eligibility to apply for the scholarship. The decision process can take at most, a few weeks.
How to Apply: Applicants must write a short statement detailing their learning goals for study abroad and elaborating on how those goals align with their overall educational goals and ambitions beyond KU. This essay overlaps with the requirement Honors students must meet if they wish to count a study abroad course for Honors credit.
For more information, reach out to the Honors Program at honorsprogram@kutztown.edu.