International Partnerships
China / Taiwan
Chihlee University of Technology - General Collaboration
University of Southern Denmark - Study Abroad Exchange
Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo - Study Abroad Exchange
Friedrich-List-Gymnasium Reutlingen - High School programming
Reutlingen University - Study Abroad Exchange
University of Hildesheim - Study Abroad Exchange -
Bangalore University - General Collaboration
Bengaluru City University - General Collaboration
Christ Institute for Advanced Studies - General Collaboration
HSNC University Mumbai - General Collaboration
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous - General Collaboration
St. Bede’s College - General Collaboration
St. Joseph's University - General Collaboration -
The Netherlands
InHolland University of Applied Sciences - Study Abroad Exchange
University of Valladolid - Outbound Study Abroad
Click Here to Review Step #1 - Step #4
Step 1: Partnership Proposal
- School/College specific partnership proposals must have the approval of the Dean. Meet with your Dean to initially discuss the proposed partnership prior to proceeding with the agreement process.
- Schedule an appointment with the Office of International Education and Global Engagement (International Office) and the Vice Provost of Extended and Lifelong Learning and Dean of Graduate Studies to discuss the proposed partnership and basic partnership collaboration ideas.
Step 2: Research and Review
The International Office conducts background research on the proposed partnership for the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies to consider during the proposed partnership review process:
- Institution type (public, private, regional/local designations)
- Accreditation status of institution and/or selected programs
- Financial considerations of the proposed collaboration ideas
- Their current international partnerships and international office resources
- KU's current partnerships in the country/region to compare needs and competition
Step 3: Agreement
The Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies will
- Determine which template agreement to use.
- Bring stakeholders together to review and edit the draft as necessary.
- Submit the draft to University Legal Counsel for review.
- Prepare the agreement for final approval and signing.
Note: Final copies of the signed agreements will be kept on file in the Vice Provost's office and with the International Office.
Step 4: Partnership Implementation
A small working group should then be identified to work on the partnership implementation. Members will be determined based on the proposed collaboration activities, but should include the International Office.
Partnership Implementation and Maintenance Themes
Discuss the following themes within the KU working group, and then again with the partner:
International Partnership Review Rubric - coming soon!
Collaborative Relationships:
- Shared Vision and Mission
- Statekholder Involvement
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Reciprocity
Partnership Practice:
- Communication
- Assessment and Metrics
- Critical Reflection
- Sustainability