FALL 2024 Events

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center hosts a number of events during the semester. Registration for some events can be found on ENGAGE@KU; links will be included when available.

Allies Club Meetings - Every THURSDAY - 11 AM to 12 Noon at Boxwood House

The Allies club meets every Thursday to share community, support, and discuss topics of interest to LGBTQIA individuals and allies.  Meetings and club are student run and aim to increase awareness and visibility on campus.

Queer Media Group Program - Every THURSDAY - 5 PM to 6PM at Boxwood House

At almost every meeting we’ll being talking about queer shows and watching an episode or two! We’ll also have discussions about other media within the LGBTQ+ community such as movies, books, music, etc. throughout the semester.

STUDENT SUCCESS TIPS - 12 Noon at Boxwood House

Friday Sept 13,  Friday October 18, Friday November 8th

Join Samantha, from Student Success & Academic Excellence, for an academic check-in with study strategies and skill building sessions to help you succeed!

Pride Night at the Reading Fightin’ Phils Baseball Game - TUESDAY - September 3rd

Kutztown University and KU's LGBTQ+ Resource Center is again a sponsor for the 11th annual LGBTQ+ Night at the Reading Fightin' Phils, at FirstEnergy Stadium, Reading, PA.

FREE TICKETS - GAME TIME 6:45 PM vs. Erie Seawolves

Tickets available from Jerry Schearer (109 Stratton) or at Boxwood House.  Game Time is 6:45 PM. You may get tickets for yourself and family and friends. Show your KU spirit by wearing KU gear.

FREE BUS5:30 PM Bus Departure from MSU Parking Lot

We will have a bus for students and, if there is extra room, we will be glad to also provide space for faculty and staff.   MUST REGISTER ON ENGAGE for the FREE BUS.  Bus Returns approximately 10 pm after the game.

WAVES OF WELCOME - Fall Open House Event

THURSDAY - September 5th - 4:00 to 6:00 PM

Join us for a fun and lively welcome week event! Tour the house, find out how you can get involved in Allies, and enjoy some free snacks, crafts, and giveaways!  


The 8th Annual GSM:  Gender and Sexual Minorities Conference

will be held Wednesday, October 2nd  - Thursday, October 3rd - and Friday, October 4th, 2024. 

This year’s theme is AUTHENTICALLY YOU.  "We all deserve the right to live our lives genuinely, completely and honestly." This includes the exploration of authenticity related to gender identity, sexual identity, all forms of expression of self. How we strive to live authentic work, personal, family, cultural, and political lives, without sacrificing our full sense of self, or beliefs, and the intersections of our identities.

We encourage professionals from a wide variety of fields to submit a presentation proposal. Call for PROPOSALS are due September 4, 2024. 

This year’s GSM Conference sessions will be held over 3 days. We hope this will allow KU students & faculty to attend and support sessions that best meet their schedules. We are so proud of the growth and quality of this conference and how the community has embraced our educational initiatives. This Spring 2025, we will celebrate 20 years of the LGBTQ+ Resource Center opening its doors to the campus. We have much to celebrate, AND ALSO we have much work to do. 

Submit proposals on our Engage Page https://engage.kutztown.edu/event/10210535 

Contact lgbtqresourcecenter@kutztown.edu or price@kutztown.edu with questions.

Detailed List of Events will be forthcoming.

PRIDEFEST 2024!!  - THURSDAY, October 10th - 11 AM to 3PM

Join us for a fun and lively celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride and National Coming Out Day! 

Campus clubs or organizations are invited to participate by registering for a table on Engage https://engage.kutztown.edu/event/10203250

Groups are asked to provide an activity that honors, celebrates, advocates, or educates on LGBTQ+ identity, pride, or history.   Co-sponsored by Alllies Club


Asexual Awareness Week & Intersex Awareness Day

We will be honoring & celebrating ACE identities this week, and Intersex Awareness. Check Instagram for more info!


Saturday, October 26th -  12 NOON to 2 PM at Boxwood House

Welcome Kutztown University alumni and friends to Boxwood House to share memories and community.   Mingle with the LGBTQ+ Alumnx Network.

Rocky Horror Screening and Shadow Cast Event

THURSDAY - October 31st - 7:00 to 9:30 PM in Schaeffer Auditorium

Join Allies for the iconic, original Rocky Horror Picture Show! Get in the spirit and come in costume for the costume contest. First come first serve for prop bags.