My Place Program Application Process at KU

Program Requirements

We are currently waitlisting for the fall 2024 semester! Applications will still be accepted, but students cannot be accepted into the program. Students will be informed of open spaces in the order in which they interview. 

Students must document their diagnosis of autism, autism spectrum disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder by providing a clinical psychological evaluation and their most recent IEP and Re-evaluation Report that includes all diagnostic test scores. 

  • Students must be admitted to Kutztown University and demonstrate readiness for college-level work and living.

    Freshmen Applicants must be admitted to Kutztown University through regular admissions and demonstrate readiness for college-level work by having completed high school-level college preparatory courses in a regular education classroom setting without modifications or the support of a one-on-one or classroom aide for at least the last two years.  

    Transfer Applicants must have completed at least 2 full-time semesters and/or 24 credits of college-level work. 

    If residing on campus, applicants must demonstrate readiness for independent college living. Indicators of readiness include independently managing self-care (personal hygiene, medication schedule, sleep/wake schedule), ability to self-advocate and make daily decisions without assistance (what to wear, what to eat, how to use discretionary time), experience with sleeping away from home without family members (i.e. camps, school trips, etc.), and the ability to identify and implement strategies for self-calming and managing emotions.

  • Students must complete the My Place application and participate in the interview process to determine if the My Place program is a good fit for their individual needs.
My Place Application Process

Applications for the My Place Program can be submitted upon acceptance to Kutztown University. Applications for fall entrance into the My Place Program will be reviewed on an on-going basis, beginning in November of the prior year. Applications for spring entrance will be reviewed on a rolling basis during the fall. The Disability Services staff will make My Place application decisions based upon space and program fit. Due to limited space in the My Place Program, not all students who apply will be admitted into the program.

We strongly encourage students to begin the application process during the Spring 2024 semester, if not before, to ensure they are best prepared for the beginning of the Fall semester.

Please note:  Acceptance to the university does not guarantee admission to the My Place program. If your decision to attend KU is dependent upon admission to the My Place Program, do not pay your Advanced Registration Deposit (ARD) until you have received written notification of your acceptance into the My Place Program from the Disability Services.

Download, complete, and submit the following forms. This information is collected to understand the scope of accommodations and support that may be required for the student to be successful in a college environment.

My Place Student Application - must be filled out by student to be accepted

My Place Recommendation Form - to be completed by a teacher, counselor, or employer that has agreed to do so and submitted by that person to the Disability Services Office
My Place Parent Questionnaire (not required)

  1. Documentation submissions will be reviewed to better understand the scope of accommodations and supports that may be required for you to be successful in the college environment. Submit at least one of the following pieces of documentation to the Disability Services Office:

    • A clinical psychological evaluation (preferably dated within 5 years of this application) indicating a primary diagnosis of autism, autism spectrum disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder.
    • The Autism Verification Form, completed by a licensed medical provider, mental health provider, or school psychologist. 
    • A recent (preferably dated within 5 years of this application) educational evaluation or re-evaluation that includes information regarding processing/cognitive abilities including speed of processing, cognitive efficiency, visual-auditory processing, perceptual-motor processing and impact in the college environment; as well as information regarding executive functioning including memory, concentration, attention, language abilities including expressive-receptive language and speech, and any behavioral concerns (anxiety, depression, OCD, etc.). 
    • Test scores and narrative report from an intelligence or cognitive test such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) or the Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities and achievement test scores including reading, writing, math, and oral language from an evaluation such as the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) or the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement.

Please also submit the following documents as part of the application: 

  • A copy of your most recent high school IEP or 504 Plan
  • A copy of your previous college accommodation plan, if applicable.
  • An unofficial copy of your high school transcript and any previous college(s)/universities, if applicable. 

All documents should be submitted to the DSO by fax: 610-683-1520, email:, or U.S. Mail: DSO; PO Box 730, Stratton Admin Center, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA 19530.  

Based upon the information gathered at the interview and from the application process, some students will be accepted into the My Place Program. Formal written notification of the decision will be made by KU email. Once the program has reached its capacity, students may be placed on a waiting list until an opening becomes available. 

PLEASE NOTE:  In some cases, the level of support indicated by the documentation and information obtained during the My Place interview may have resource implications that are beyond the ability of the program to address, necessitating a referral to an alternative support. For example, previous history including, but not limited to: the provision of a one-on-one aide during the last two years of high school, out-of-district or alternative high school placements, modified grades or courses, past criminal activity, substantial behavioral concerns, and/or serious mental illness may warrant serious consideration about program admission status. Reviewing such information helps to ensure that students are ultimately directed to the most appropriate programs and supports to best match their individual strengths and needs.   

In the case that a My Place applicant has needs that cannot be met, even with traditional college supports, participation in a more intensive or specialized program than My Place may be warranted. Alternatives to the My Place Program may include referrals to more support-intensive college or community programs, and the opportunity to reapply to the My Place Program after addressing identified needs.

Regardless of the admission to and participation in support programs and/or services, it should be noted that a strong academic record, even combined with comprehensive supports, does not guarantee college success or professional employment. 

    Program Fees

    The fees for the My Place program are as follows:

    • Gold Level: best for first-year college students, but open to everyone in the program; minimum 6 contact hours/week: $3000.00 per semester.
    • Maroon Level: best fit for commuters or students who have made meaningful campus connections; minimum of 3 contact hours/week: $1500.00 per semester
    • Silver Level: best for upperclassmen; minimum of 1 contact hour/week: $500.00 per semester.