Prospective Students

Kutztown University welcomes academically qualified students with disabilities to participate in its educational programs and is committed to providing access to its programs and services for all qualified individuals.  

Admission to the University

Disability status is not a consideration in the admissions process at Kutztown University. The admissions process and criteria are the same for all students applying to Kutztown University. Click here for Information about admission to Kutztown University.

Requesting Accommodations

Upon acceptance to Kutztown University, students should complete and submit the Accommodation Request Form from the Disability Service Office (DSO).  This form is the means by which a student self-discloses a disability and is the first step in the process for requesting accommodations at KU. Click here for Comprehensive information on requesting accommodations.


Students who had accommodations in high school through a 504 plan or IEP, may see very significant differences under which college students with disabilities are served. Click here to Learn more about the difference between high school and college accommodations.

At Kutztown University, reasonable accommodations are determined and an individual accommodation plan is developed on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process with the Disability Services Office (DSO). While students may request accommodations at any time during their enrollment at Kutztown University, students are strongly encouraged to register with the DSO prior to their first semester. It is important to note that, under the ADA, accommodations are not retroactive. Click here for Information on common accommodations.  

College Readiness

In order to be successful in college, students with disabilities should practice communication, study, organizational, daily living, and social skills while in high school. Students will need to apply these skills independently in the college setting. Students with disabilities are encouraged to:

    • Seek guidance in setting realistic goals that take into consideration your individual strengths, areas of weakness, preferences, and interests.
    • Consider involvement in community-based experiences and activities as part of the transition process into college. Participation in these activities provide opportunities to learn self-awareness, self-esteem, and social skills necessary in adult life. Such activities may include job-shadowing, part-time and seasonal employment, touring college campuses and disability services offices, and taking summer courses at a community college. 

In addition, it is essential for students with disabilities to:

    • Take challenging courses in high school
    • Understand their disability and be able to explain their need for accommodation to others
    • Understand that they are responsible for discussing reasonable accommodations that might be necessary to ensure equal access to programs and services at the college level
    • Understand that accommodations are granted based on a functional limitation that is documented, not preferences
    • Develop knowledge and use assistive technology during high school such as audio texts and note taking
    • Understand the differences between accommodations often provided in high school compared to those considered to be reasonable accommodations at the college level

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities are delineated by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the ADAAA of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Kutztown University is committed to protecting and ensuring the rights of students with disabilities. Click here for Information on student rights and responsibilities.