Facilities Maintenance Building

Building Code: MN

Street view of the maintenance and receiving building entrance

The Facilities Maintenance Building is Kutztown's Physical Plant that keeps the town up and running.

Facilities Maintenance Building

Academic Year Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Facilities Maintenance Building

An Exterior View of the Facilities Maintenance Building

Street view of the facilities building entrance

The Facilities Management Division is responsible for all of the Kutztown University Physical Plant, which consists of all buildings and associated internal and external systems, roads, sidewalks, grounds, and campus infrastructures such as water, sewer, gas, and electric lines. KU is really a small city, and here at the Facilities Maintenance Building, the small city is kept up and running.