Poplar House

Building Code: PH

Street view of the entrance to the Poplar House

Poplar House

This is the site of the future Admissions Welcome Center, projected to open in Spring 2025.

The future Admissions Welcome Center

An artist's rendering of the Admissions Welcome Center, opening Spring 2025.

The future Admissions Welcome Center

An artist's rendering of the lobby of the Admissions Welcome Center, opening Spring 2025.

The future Admissions Welcome Center

An artist's rendering of the meeting room of the Admissions Welcome Center, opening Spring 2025.

Poplar House

Exterior View of Poplar House

Artists rendering of the Admissions Welcome Center. Shows students walking toward the facility, which sits adjacent to the current KU Welcome sign and Poplar House.
Artists rendering of the interior of Admissions Welcome Center. Shows visitors and staff sitting and standing in the lobby of the Welcome Center
Artists rendering of the meeting room of Admissions Welcome Center. Shows the area where students will begin their tours of campus.
Poplar house welcome sign in the foreground, with the path leading to the front entrance in the background