Accreditation & Standards

Education preparation programs at Kutztown University are fully accredited by the State of Pennsylvania through the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Being an accredited institution recognizes KU as an educational institution that meets or exceeds state standards. This accreditation involves a regular process of alignment with state teacher education program standards and compliance with all aspects of appropriate Pennsylvania state law and code. Our continuing accreditation attests to the commitment and quality of the College of Education’s teacher preparation programs.

In addition to state accreditation, education preparation programs at Kutztown University are nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP establishes high and rigorous standards for teacher preparation programs, holds accredited institutions accountable for meeting these standards, and requires institutions to demonstrate that teacher candidates know their subject matter and how to teach it effectively to all students.

The Teacher Preparation Program Report (Title II report) can be accessed through the U.S. Department of Education's Title II website.


    Goal 1: Continuous Improvement

    • Educator preparation programs will use evidence, based on CAEP Standards, to continuously monitor, evaluate, and improve their programs.

    Goal 2: Quality Assurance

    • The CAEP accreditation process will be valid, consistent, transparent, and data-driven.

    Goal 3: Credibility

    • CAEP will be respected as the arbiter of educator preparation program quality.

    Goal 4: Equity

    • CAEP will ensure consistent request for evaluation of the principles of equity and diversity in its evaluation of programs.

    Goal 5: Strong Foundation

    • CAEP will continuously monitor and improve internal policies, processes, and procedures to assure transparency, accountability, fiscal efficiency, and high quality service and support, to serve as a model of equity and attention to diversity.

    Visit CAEP's Standards webpage here for more information on the excellence accredited educator preparation programs are held to.


    Click below to view Chapter 354 General Standards for Teacher Certification:

    Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education for information on the Common Core Standards.