Dr. Juliana Svistova

Juliana Svistova

Old Main 327 
Kutztown, PA 19530 
Phone: 610-683-4330
Fax: 610-683-4383
e-mail: svistova@kutztown.edu  

Biographical Statement:

Dr. Svistova is a Professor in the Department of Social Work at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. She earned her Ph.D. in Social Work and M.S.W from the University at Albany, State University of New York. Her scholarship is concerned with community development and participatory approaches to social change in local and transnational contexts. She also studies organizational dimensions of policy implementation in practice. She is a community-engaged, interdisciplinary scholar and a qualitative methodologist, who specializes in program evaluation, community needs assessments, and policy analysis. Dr. Svistova has an extensive experience in generating and applying evidence to inform policy making, organizational decision and strategy development, and fundraising/resource development. She strives to center ADEI lens in all the manifestations of social work practice she is engaged in to build inclusive and equitable processes and systems.

Teaching Interests:

      • Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations
      • Community Building
      • International Social Work and Social Development
      • Qualitative Research
      • Introduction to Research Methodology

Areas of Scholarship:

      • Community practice and development
      • All forms of participatory action research (CBPR and critical-emancipatory PAR)
      • Disasters and disaster recovery
      • Global social development
      • Civic engagement of oppressed individuals and communities
      • Participatory pedagogy
      • Qualitative inquiry
  • Publications
    • Svistova, Juliana, Harris, Chris, Fogarty, Barbe, Kulp, Christina, Lee, Ahyoung, Department of Social Work,  November 30, 2022,  Use of Telehealth amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Mental health Providers Serving Rural Youth and Elderly in Pennsylvania. Administration and Policy in Mental health and mental Health Services Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10488-021-01181-z
    • Svistova, Juliana, Harris, Chris, Song, Juyong, Horton, Jillian, Fogarty, Barbe, Hansen, Julia, Mills, Carlie, Department of Social Work, January 2022.  Access to Mental Health Services in rural Pennsylvania.  Research report prepared for the Center for Rural Pennsylvania: https://www.rural.pa.gov/download.cfm?file=Resources/PDFs/researchreport/Mental%20Health%20Access%20Final%20Report%20January%202022.pdf
    • Svistova, J., Fogarty, B. (October 25, 2019), Designing short-term abroad and international service learning opportunities for social work students: Do’s and Don'ts, Council on Social Work Education Conference, Denver, CO
    • Svistova, J., & Pyles, L. (2018). Production of disaster and recovery in post-earthquake Haiti: Disaster industrial complex. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
    • Haymovitz, E., Jouseal-Allport, P., Lee, S., & Svistova, J. (2017). Exploring the perceived benefits and limitations of a school-based social-emotional learning program: A concept map evaluation. Children and Schools, 40(1), 45-54. 
    • Pyles, L., Svistova, J., Ahn, S. & Bikland, T. (2017). Citizen participation in disaster recovery projects and programmes in rural communities: A comparison of the Haiti earthquake and Hurricane Katrina. Disasters, 42(3), 498-518.
    • Jurkowski, J., Svistova, J. and Dennison, B. (2016). Public Reporting of Hospital-Specific Breastfeeding Measures: A Qualitative Study of Hospital Staff and Administrators. Journal of Human Lactation, 1-9
    • Svistova, J., Bowen, L. and Bhat, M. (2016). Teaching to the Holistic Self: A Case Study of Critical Social Work Classroom, in Pyles & Adam (Eds.) Holistic engagement: Transformative education for helping professionals in the 21st century, New York: Oxford University Press.
    • Pyles, L. and Svistova, J. (2015). The Critical-Emancipatory Traditions of Participatory Action Research in Post-Disaster Recovery, Chapter 5 in Lawson, Caringi, Pyles, Jurkowski & Bozlak (Eds.) Participatory Action Research. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    • Pyles, L. and Svistova, J. (2015). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Haiti Earthquake Recovery in New York Times articles: Implications for Social Welfare Policies, Practices and Education. Critical Social Work, 16 (1). http://www1.uwindsor.ca/criticalsocialwork/system/files/PylesandSvistova.pdf
    • Pyles, L., Svistova, J. and Andre, J. (2015). Disaster Recovery in Post-Earthquake Rural Haiti: Research Findings and Recommendations for Participatory, Sustainable Development. Albany: University at Albany. http://www.albany.edu/ssw/assets/HaitirecoveryreportNSF_final.pdf
    • Svistova, J., Pyles, L., and Andre, J. (2014). The Meaning and Possibilities of Participation in Research in Haiti: A Case of Counter-Hegemonic Resistance. Social Development Issues Journal, 36 (3), 108-123.
    • Svistova, J., Durand, F., Wilcox, K., & Schiller, K. (2014). Supporting Student Achievement on Common Core Learning Standards: A Case Study of an Average Performing Elementary School. [Unpublished Case Study for New York State Education Department]. Albany: University at Albany
  • Selected Conference Presentations
    • Svistova, Juliana, Harris, Chris, Hansen, Julia, Lee, Ahyoung, Department of Social Work. “Mental Health Literacy, Stigma, nd Acceptance in Rural Settings: A State Wide Qualitative Study of Mental Health Professionals.” January 2022. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C. (Virtual)
    • Svistova, Juliana, Harris, Chris, Lee, Ahyoung, Horton, Jillian, Department of Social Work. “Interagency collaboration in Rural Mental Health: Experiences and Perspectives of Service and Public Insurance Providers.” .” January 2022, Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C. (Virtual) 
    • Svistova, Juliana, Fogarty, Barge, Lee, Ahyoung, Bhat, Meera, Andre, J., Department of Social Work. “The Impact of Mutual Solidarity Banking in Haiti: A Qualitative Inquiry. January 2022. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C. (Virtual)
    •  Svistova, Juliana, Fogarty, Barbe, Lee, Ahyoung, Andrea, J., Department of Social Work. “Empowerment vs. Intimidation: Local Perspectives on Microfinance in Haiti.” January 2022, Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C. (Virtual)
    • Blackwell-Rogers, K., Mousley, A., Weaver, R., & Svistova, J. (2018, May). Learning from disasters, supporting disaster recovery: Report from service learning trips and community-based research in Haiti and Puerto Rico. Kutztown, PA.
    • Blackwell-Rogers, K., Mousley, A., Weaver, R., & Svistova, J. (2018, April). Immersive field work in Haiti: An examination of gender and development, microcredit, and the building of cultural competency. Berks County Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference, Kutztown, PA. 
    • LaBarre, H., Svistova, J., Weaver, R., & Diaz, S. (2018, March). Hungry for more: Understanding the impact of food insecurity on college students. Commission on Human Diversity Conference, Kutztown, PA. 
    • Svistova, J. and Maynard, S. (2015). "Breaking through the Misconceptions: Teaching about Modern Day Slavery," Interactive Workshop at the Council Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual PM. Denver, CO.
    • Svistova, J., Bowen, L., and Bhat, M. (2014). "Teaching to the Holistic Self: A Case Study of a Critical Social Work Classroom," Council Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual PM. Tampa, FL (U.S.A).
    • Weldon, T., Svistova, J., and Pyles, L. (2013). "Constructions of Haitian Earthquake Survivors in the New Diaspora: Implications for Psycho-Social Recovery," the Global Health and Well-Being: The Social Work Response conference. NYU, New York, NY (U.S.A).
    • Svistova, J., Jurkowski, J., and Davison, K. (2013). "The Effect of Parental Stresses on Childhood Obesity in Head Start Children: A Photovoice Inquiry, "International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), Urbana-Champaign, IL (U.S.A).
    • Pyles. L. and Svistova, J. (2012). "Social Construction of Recovery Actors after the Haiti Earthquake: Replications of Post-Colonialist Development," Haitian Studies Association, New York, NY (U.S.A).
    • Svistova, J. and Pyles, L. (2012). "U.S. Policy Discourse of Relief Actors in Post-Earthquake Haiti: Implications for Participatory and Sustainable Recovery," 2nd World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Stockholm (Sweden).