Daily Brief

March 1, 2023

KU to Host Series of Events in Celebration of Women’s History Month 2023

Kutztown University will host a series of events to celebrate Women’s History Month in March. KU’s “Know Your Body Series” will include a variety of programs and events to honor the contributions and achievements women have made in many different fields. The KU Women's Center has lined up a series of events that allow students the opportunity to learn more about the importance of this month and shed light on issues today regarding women. The Women's Center collaborates with the Multicultural Center, Health and Wellness Center, Kutztown University Activities Board (KUAB), Residence Life and the Commission on the Status of Women in hosting regular semester events, some of which include keynote speakers. They also provide printed materials and resources by doing tabling on campus throughout the academic year, including tabling at new student orientation events.

University Relations


Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger

Mostly sunny conditions after a foggy morning. High temperature near 50.


Employee of the Month

Now is the time to submit nominations for the February 2023 Employee of the Month.

Alexis Martin, Human Resources

President's Open Hour

Faculty, staff and students are invited to stop by with President Hawkinson during his open hour 2 p.m. Monday, March 6, 301 Stratton Administration Center. President Hawkinson welcomes your thoughts, concerns and suggestions regarding KU. If you are planning to stop by, please call the Office of the President, 610-683-4101 to RSVP.

Pam Rex, Office of the President

Schellenberg Award: Call for Nominations

The Center for Engaged Learning invites nominations for the 2023 John P. Schellenberg Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. The award recognizes an early career faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding work within the mission of the Center for Engaged Learning (formerly the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching). The deadline to submit nominations is April 3. Please visit the website for the award eligibility and instructions on submitting nominations.

Karen Rauch, Office of the Provost

LAS Dean Search-Candidate B

The Open Forum will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, 145 Boehm Science Center. The candidate’s CV’s is posted in advance on the LAS Search Website.

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Come to Ignite Kutztown

Ignite Kutztown will take place 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, 135 Rickenbach LC. We have many exciting speakers lined up. If you aren't familiar, Ignite is a speaking event following a particular format - speakers have 5 minutes and 20 slides which advance automatically. Speakers this semester include Jonathan Shaw on "Crusty Death Metal," Jennifer Forsyth on "Non-Shakespearean Renaissance Drama" and many others. Please join us for a fun event.

Emily Cripe, Communication Studies

Faculty First Thursday Presentation

Assistant professor, Marco Ehrl will present Political Crisis Communication via Anti-Fake News Initiatives: The Role of EUvsDisinfo for narrating Russia’s War in Ukraine, 11 a.m. to noon Thursday, March 2, 120 Sharadin Arts Building.
Presentation Information: Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine is different from other political crises in Europe’s recent history in that it constitutes an existential threat to European policy, identity, and system narratives toward Russia. As one of the key political functions of crisis narratives is to (re)legitimize political order and restore the political symbol and value systems, it is difficult for Europe’s existing peace and prosperity and shared-value narratives to legitimize energy dependencies and Europe’s hesitancy to act geopolitically and militarily. Presented at the 2022 National Communication Association Conference and under review with the "Journal for Communication Studies," this study uses a qualitative content analysis to examine 84 reports from the EUvsDisinfo website regarding Ukraine from April 8, 2021, to September 29, 2022, to explore changes and continuities in narrative ratios across different crisis phases. The study draws our attention to the importance of communicating motives at the level of system narratives, identity narratives, and policy narratives to suggest direction and desirability for political crisis resolutions.

Joselyn Wynter, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Social Work Community Forum Student Attendance

The Department of Social Work majors (BSW, MSW and DSW) are expected to attend some or all of the Department of Social Work 19th Annual Community Forum "The Opioid Epidemic: Impacts on Family Across the Lifespan" 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 3. Please excuse students from classes. They will be responsible for making up any missed assignments. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.

Department of Social Work

Proposal Adequacy in Government Contracting

Sign-up for this free training 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 7, via Zoom, based on the following topics: Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Readiness, Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Support, Government Contracting and Selling to Government. The presentation will provide an overview of how proposal adequacy is determined through discussions on FAR Part 15, Table 15-2 and DFARs 252.215-7009. The presentation will discuss proposal adequacy requirements for cost elements such as direct labor, material, subcontracts, other direct costs (ODCs) and indirect rates. Finally, participants will learn about historical data considerations, FAR Part 31 Unallowable Costs, common proposal deficiencies and regulatory resources to assist with proposal development.

Rachael Wolfe, KUSBDC

Accounting System Requirements in Government Contracting

Sign-up for this free training 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 8, via Zoom based on the following topics: Accounting/Budget, Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Readiness, Government Contracting, Government Industrial Base (GIB) Readiness and Selling to Government. The presentation will provide an overview of the pre-award accounting system design review process. Participants will learn what occurs prior to the award of a cost-type contract, what is contained in the SF 1408, and what the applicable DFARS regulations say with regard to what comprises an acceptable accounting system. Total contract costs, including direct costs and indirect costs will be discussed. Examples of typically seen indirect rates will be provided as well as a discussion of selecting a proper allocation base will also be provided. Participants will learn about the FAR Part 31 clauses that cover allowability, allocability, and reasonableness as well as concepts such as Contract Terms, Accounting for Contract Costs, Labor System, Timekeeping, Unallowable Costs, Cost by Contract Line Item, Billings, Cost Accounting Information, and Management Reviews/Internal Audits along with the applicable DFARS clauses. Finally, some common deficiencies will be discussed.

Rebecca Donohue, KUSBDC

Business Skills for Success for Entrepreneurs

The Business Skills for Success (Spanish on Tuesdays, English on Thursdays) is a five-week accelerated webinar series that is for early-stage and existing business owners who want to take their business to the next level. During the five-week seminar, the Kutztown University Small Business Development Center will utilize an innovative blended learning model for education. Our model uses, in addition to class lessons, online business plan workshops, one-on-one business consultations and interaction with business professionals and entrepreneurs. During the first class, participants will also select special topics that they desire to do a deep dive into as a cohort. In the last session, participants will present their pitches to the business consultant. This educational model fortifies the learning capacity of the student and ensures greater entrepreneurial success. This five-week class can include the following topics: Business Planning, Defining a Business Model, Marketing & Sales Growth, Best Practices for Maintaining Credit Worthiness, Zoning & Codes, Financing, Social Media, Website Analytics, Record Keeping, Special Topics Selected by the Cohort.
This program is valued at $1,499 and thanks to our partners and sponsors you can participate at a low cost of $50.

Rachael Wolfe, KUSBDC

Habilidades Empresariales para el Exito de Empresarios Latinos

Etapa inicial y existentes que desean llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel.
Durante el seminario de cinco semanas, el Centro de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas de la Universidad de Kutztown utilizará un innovador modelo de aprendizaje combinado para la educación. Nuestro modelo utiliza, además de las lecciones de clase, el taller de planes de negocios en línea, la consulta comercial individual y la interacción con profesionales de negocios y empresarios. Durante la primera clase, los participantes también seleccionarán temas especiales en los que deseen profundizar como grupo.
En la última sesión los participantes entregaran su pitch plan para ser evaluado por el asesor de negocio. Este modelo educativo fortalece la capacidad de aprendizaje del estudiante y asegura un mayor éxito empresarial.
En esta clase de 5 semanas, aprenderá lo siguiente con nuestros expertos invitados:
- Planificación, modelo empresarial y estructura comercial con Josephina Encarnacion, MBA, MSHRM
- Marketing y Redes Sociales con Rocio Encarnacion, MS dueña de My Source Entrepreneur
- Mejores prácticas para mantener la solvencia crediticia, con Comisionado Michael Rivera, MBA
- Zonificación y Códigos con el arquitecto Miguel Herrera de Milan Group
- Financiamiento y Servicio Bancarios con Alba Fernandez, Vicepresidente de Community Lending de Community First Fund
- Servicio al Cliente con Rosa Julia Parra, CEO de Palo Magazine
- Puntos clave en la Contabilidad con Ana Arias, CEO de Ana Leonor Accounting Services
- Puntos clave de la Aseguranza Comercial, con Abe Borjas, CEO de BTN Insurance
Nota:Este programa esta valorado en $1,499 y gracias a nuestros socios y patrocinadores podrás participar a un costo bajo de $50
Gracias por registrarte a este programa. Recibe tu enlace 48 horas antes de la clase. 

Rachael Wolfe, KUSBDC

Upcoming Events
Date Time Event
March 1 2 p.m. LAS Dean Search-Candidate B
145 Boehm Science Center
March 1 7 p.m. Ignite Kutztown
135 Rickenbach Learning Center
March 2 11 a.m. Faculty First Thursday
120 Sharadin Arts Building
March 3 8:45 a.m. Social Work Community Forum
Schaeffer Auditorium
March 3 9 a.m. Human Diversity Conference
218 McFarland Student Union
March 3 2 p.m. LAS Dean Search-Candidate C
145 Boehm Science Center
March 3 4 p.m. University Senate Meeting
103 Academic Forum | Zoom
March 6 2 p.m. President's Open Hour
301 Stratton Administration Center
March 8 Noon CMP Discussion
March 9 7:30 p.m. The Kingdom Choir
Schaeffer Auditorium
Date Time Event
March 2 6 p.m. Women's Acro & Tumbling vs. Stevenson
Keystone Arena (Video)
March 4 TBD Men's and Women's Tennis vs. Daemen

Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email , TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.

Notify the university of an accessibility concern

Non-Discrimination Statement

Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at . Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at . You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at .