Daily Brief

March 25, 2024

Saint Patrick's Day Bagpipes

The Kutztown Pipe Band, a student group at KU and nonprofit organization in the Borough of Kutztown, participated in the 65th Allentown Saint Patrick's Day Parade Sunday, March 17, joining the massed bands before the event, leading a division in the parade and performing at a pub along the parade route after the event. If you're interested in joining the band, contact sherrod@kutztown.edu for more information about our free intro to piping classes open to all and our drum corps recruitment.

Dr. Laura Sherrod, Physical Sciences

On-Campus Internship and Job Fair

Please remind your students that the on-campus KU Internship and Job Fair is noon to 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 218 MSU. There will be more than 80 employers attending. Students need to come professionally dressed and with copies of their resume. Students can view the employers coming to the fair on their Handshake account, as well as make an appointment for the Career Closet for professional clothing. If you have any questions, please call 610-683-4067.

Jeann Cengeri, Career Development Center


Weather forecasts are provided by KU's Dr. Michael Davis and "Monsoon Mike" Regensburger

High pressure moves in and provides for a pleasant day. Sunny skies are expected. High temperature near 52.


University Curriculum Committee

The University Curriculum Committee will meet 11 a.m. Thursday, March 28. The meeting will be held on Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting please click here. The link can also be found on the UCC Document Submissions SharePoint page. Contact Brian Meares at meares@kutztown.edu with any questions.

Brian Meares, University Curriculum Committee

Middle States Self-Study Open Forum

Faculty, staff and students are invited to join us at the KU Middle States Self-Study Open Forum 12:30-1:20 p.m. Monday, April 1, 145 Boehm Science Center, to meet our Middle States Commission on Higher Education vice president liaison Dr. Ryan Hartnett and learn more about KU's accreditation process. Accreditation reviews the quality of all aspects of a higher education institution and affects federal and state funding, grants and financial aid.

Middle States Self-Study Steering Committee

Call for Applications – Composition Coordinator

The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs seeks to hire one faculty Composition Coordinator (CC) for a two-year term beginning August 2024. The position is supported through a three-credit course release in both fall and spring semesters. The CC at Kutztown University is a tenured or tenure-track professor with at least three years of full-time teaching experience at the institution. For a full listing of requirements, responsibilities and how to apply, please visit the website at the link below. 

Dr. Karen Rauch, Office of the Provost

Chambliss Faculty Research Lecture featuring Dr. Tony Wong

Dr. Wing Hong Tony Wong, professor of Mathematics, will present KU’s Spring 2024 Chambliss Faculty Research Lecture titled “Get a Taste of Mathematical Research,” 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, Alumni Auditorium, 183 MSU. His presentation will discuss how to conduct mathematical research; the audience will have the opportunity to work and think like a mathematician by exploring a problem in number theory. In addition to the in-person event, this year’s Chambliss lecture will be available as a webinar on Zoom and will be uploaded to YouTube following the event. Click here to join Zoom.

Dr. Karen Rauch, Office of the Provost

Fiscal Year End Prep - SourcePoint

Fiscal Year (FY) End is coming soon. The Regional Procurement Office (RPO) has designed a training session to guide SourcePoint users on steps they should take in preparation for the period leading up to FY End close. The next training session will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 27. Those who use SourcePoint or are involved with the procurement of goods or services should plan to attend.

Tammy Moyer, Business Office

KUR Soliciting Feedback From Campus Community

Kutztown University Radio (KUR) is soliticiting feedback from students, faculty and staff. Whether you listen daily, weekly or never, we want to hear from you. The survey is short and shouldn't take more than a few minutes of your time.

Mike Regensburger, Kutztown University Radio

Stay Updated on Music Department Events

Are you interested in music events? The Department of Music offers a variety of them. Opt-in HERE or click the link (https://shorturl.at/glsBD) to receive weekly notifications for our upcoming events.

Maya Strava Kokkinou, Department of Music


Pen 2 Paper Student Organization and Fanta Ballo

The Pen 2 Paper student organization hosted the award-winning spoken word artist and author Fanta Ballo Monday, March 18. Ballo shared her journey and gifted free copies of her debut collection of poems in her book, "For All The Things I Never Got To Say," to students. Ballo's speech, student poetry workshop and open mic were made possible by the student organization Pen 2 Paper and sponsorship by the Multicultural Center, Art Education, WGS and KU Women's Center.

Dra. Leslie C. Sotomayor II, Art Education

Comp Conversations: Feedback on Student Writing - Finding the Balance

Research tells us that our feedback can have a positive effect on student writing, but composing it can be daunting. How much feedback is too much? What types of feedback are most effective? How do I manage the sheer number of assignments that would benefit from feedback? We will share strategies and experiences and invite you to share your own approaches noon Monday, March 25, 6 Rohrbach Library or via Zoom.

Amy Lynch-Biniek, English

Starfish Midterm Progress Survey Available

The Spring 2024 Midterm Progress Survey is available for faculty in Starfish through Thursday, March 28. Faculty are encouraged to use the survey to send kudos to students to acknowledge good work, reinforce positive habits and encourage students to finish strong this semester. Faculty can also raise flags of concern for students to indicate a danger of failing, a recommendation to withdraw or a specific academic concern. An important feature of this survey is the ability to indicate if a student has stopped attending (with the date of last attendance entered in the comment field). Every kudos and flag template has the option to add custom content; two options are completely customizable. All message templates can be viewed in Starfish D2L. Please email starfish@kutztown.edu with any questions or to set up a training.

Cheryl Brattley, Student Success and Academic Excellence

New CEL Journal Post

Please take a few minutes to visit the "KUtztown exCEL" website faculty journal to read our latest post. This month, we are featuring Maddie Anthes, assistant dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, who discusses how to remove some of the stress during the advising crunch to make room for more meaningful advising experiences. Be sure to check out last month’s post featuring Dr. Sandi Leonard and our previous posts from the current academic year.

Center for Engaged Learning

Upcoming Events
Date Time Event
March 25 8 a.m. Yellow Brick Road to Success
218, 250 MSU
March 25 Noon  Comp Conversations
6 Rohrbach (Zoom)
March 26 2:30 p.m. LAS Associate Dean Search - Candidate B
201 Academic Forum 
March 26 4:30 p.m. Chambliss Faculty Research Lecture
183 MSU, Alumni Auditorium
March 27 11 a.m. Fiscal Year End Prep - SourcePoint 
March 27 Noon Internship and Job Fair
218 MSU
March 27 2:30 p.m. LAS Associate Dean Search - Candidate C
201 Academic Forum 
March 28 11 a.m. University Curriculum Committee 
March 29 8:45 a.m. 20th Annual Social Work Community Forum 
Schaeffer Auditorium
March 29 Noon EDD Dissertation Defense: Christopher Thomas
227, 229 Beekey
April 1 12:30 p.m. Middle States Self-Study Open Forum
145 Boehm

Date Time Event
March 27 3 p.m. Women's Lacrosse vs. Bloomsburg
Keystone Field (Video | Stats)
March 29 2 p.m. Softball vs. Bloomsburg (DH)
North Campus Field (Stats)
March 30 1 p.m. Softball vs. Mansfield (DH)
North Campus Field (Stats)
March 30 1 p.m. Baseball vs. Bloomsburg (DH)
North Campus Field (Video | Stats)

Persons with a disability, and who require accommodation, should notify the Disability Services Office two weeks prior to the event at 610-683-4108 or email , TDD number: 610-683-4499, in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations. Please note: Kutztown University does not provide wheelchairs or other mobility devices.

Notify the university of an accessibility concern

Non-Discrimination Statement

Kutztown University does not discriminate in employment or educational opportunities on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status. To discuss a complaint of discrimination, please contact the Office of Social Equity, Old Main A-Wing, Room 02, by phone at 610-683-4700 or by email at . Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Kutztown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX at Kutztown University may be made to Bradley Davis, the university’s Title IX coordinator, located in Old Main A-Wing, Room 02A, by phone at 610-683-4782 or by email at . You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights located in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, by phone at 800-421-3481 (TDD: 800-877-8339), by fax at 202-453-6012, or by email at .